Eye Shape Makeup Chart

Eye shape plays a significant role in determining the makeup choices and options that best enhance one's features. The shape of the eyes can vary greatly, from almond-shaped to hooded, monolid to downturned, and each shape presents unique characteristics that require tailored makeup techniques. For instance, individuals with almond-shaped eyes often have a versatile canvas that allows for a wide range of makeup looks, while those with hooded lids may need to employ specific techniques to create the illusion of more defined creases.

Similarly, monolid eyes may benefit from techniques that emphasize the lash line and create depth, while downturned eyes can be lifted and accentuated with strategic eyeshadow placement. By understanding one's eye shape, individuals can make informed choices about eyeshadow placement, liner styles, and lash enhancements, unlocking a world of possibilities to accentuate their natural beauty.

eye shape makeup chart